Sohila Sahib for Kids
Understand the deeper message that Sohila Sahib gives me to improve my lifestyle and faith in Parmesar
Read more...Understand the deeper message that Sohila Sahib gives me to improve my lifestyle and faith in Parmesar
Read more...Learn from the professions of Smuggler and Goldsmith to improve my lifestyle.
Read more...This chapter provides basic understanding on role of knowledge in our life and basics of Guru Granth Sahib.
Read more...Poverty is biggest challenge for humanity and in top of the list for United Nations agenda. Lets learn from Gurbani how it guides us to tackle physical and spiritual poverty
Read more...Five senses are the gift of Parmesar to experience the world in a way that motivates us to become a better human
Read more...In this chapter we learn how Gurbani is guiding me to become a better human being by learning from trees around us.
Read more...Misuse of technology presents multi-dimensional challenges for us and future generations. Gurbani offers timeless gems…
Read more...Chapter provides an understanding about the concept of Khalsa from Gurbani’s perspective and how Khalsa…
Read more...This chapter goes into details of Divine parenting and how it is teachings me to…
Read more...In this chapter we discuss Third Pauri of ASA Ki Vaar and how it motivates…
Read more...This chapter takes support of various examples from Gurbani to understand if climate change is…
Read more...In this chapter we discuss the concept of Bandi Chor and Diwali in the light…
Read more...In this chapter we discuss Second Pauri of ASA Ki Vaar and how it motivates…
Read more...In this chapter we discuss the concept of Father Day from Gurmat point of view…
Read more...In this chapter we cover the concept of Sikh Identity and key challenges / possible…
Read more...In this chapter we cover the introduction to Asa Ki Vaar and First Pauri.
We trust that Gurbani has a spiritual message and it’s adoption in our day-to-day life will direct us towards the right path so that we can understand the purpose of THE LIFE bestowed on the JEEV - The Real Self.
As per our understanding of Gurbani, it is a perfect blueprint for HUMANITY. By practicing it in our life, it will guide us in bringing together the whole human race closer to each other without any prejudice of colour, origin or language. By following the truth within GurBani, we all are able to attain a better version of ourselves (when we came to this world) and connect with our true self.
Naa Ko Bairee Nahee Bigaanaa Sagal Sa(n)g Ham Kau Ban Aaiee ||1||
We are sharing our understanding FROM Gurbani and invite everyone on this beautiful journey to come along with us and further enhance our understanding.
We are a team of individuals (volunteers) across the globe who firmly believe in spiritual values of Gurbani. We have come together to share our learnings from Gurbani and made an attempt to document the message of Gurbani in a way that our next generation can relate to. We are not aligned to any organisation or sect. We all believe that understanding of Gurbani is ever evolving and all we can do is inspire ourselves to self explore Gurbani and how it is relevant in our journey to find TRUTH.